Tuesday, April 26, 2011

we sense each other 2

the we sense each other dance again


  1. Hey Joy and all at Dog & Pony, this is great info on this very cool play. I'm doing a dramaturgical project on this play for my contemp drama class at Boston University. Hope you don't mind my following along and seeing what you've unearthed. Here's a question for you: what do you make of "Trevor's allergic to apples"?

  2. Hey Philip--

    No problem! Happy to have you follow along. I could send you our dramaturgy packet if you like (& if it wouldn't be cheating!)

    I can only tell you what that line means to me. I guess I think it's funny because no one (well, almost no one) is allergic to apples, but if anyone would be, it would be trevor. apples are boring, wholesome, everyday-connected with americana & the daily gift for teacher. they're bland and forgettable. all things that are anathema to trevor.

  3. (thanks for following! good luck with your project!)

  4. Apples: I like that! Thanks. No, don't send me the package, that would be cheating, I think. Besides, my instructor is net-saavy enough to find this conversation! I will invariably cite your production-in-progress as part of my research. Anything you have online is fair game.

    I am just loving the weird balance in this play the more and more I delve into it. I'm envious, you all must be having a great time. Perhaps I can get out there to see the production.

    By the way, I don't know why the blogspot insists on posting my name as Philip, I never use that. Just call me Phil.

